W5 Customers


Gabapentin 800mg 180 tab == Gab800 180
Fioricet 180 tab == Fio 180


This pharm does not have Gabapentin from May 5 to May 21.

    Personal Details

    Your Email :

    Your Phone:

    Your Full Name (FirstName LastName ) :

    Shipping and Billing Address (Must Be the Same)

    Street Address:



    Your Zip Code:

    Country: USA

    Please chose Your Order

    Confirm your Order

    The Money Order Amount to give postman

    Health Questionnaires

    Date of Birth: mm/dd/year

    Your Height: ft-in

    Your Weight: Lbs


    1. I agree not to take any over-the-counter medicines without approval from my pharmacist.

    If you disagree, please explain why:

    2. I agree not to take medication if I am pregnant, breast-feeding, or trying to get pregnant.

    If you disagree, please explain why:

    3. Please list all current medical conditions including high blood pressure. Choose "None" if none.

    Specify all current medical conditions:

    4. Is there anything in your medical history that you consider to be relevant? If yes, please specify. Choose "None" if none.

    5. Please list all over-the-counter and prescription medications that you are currently taking and the length of time for each. Choose "None" if none.

    6. Please list all medications that you plan to take while on this program. Choose "None" if none.

    7. Please list all past or present allergies including allergies to any medications. Choose "None" if none.

    8. Please list all past surgeries and provide details including the condition that was treated with each surgery. Choose "None" if none.

    9. Please explain the specific medical reason for ordering this medication. The physician must know the exact nature of your medical problem in order to prescribe this medication. This cannot be left blank.

    I double checked the information and confirm all the information is correct , and I will contact you when my order has a problem. I will not ask charge back without contacting you. I also know the order cannot be cancelled and all the information can not be modified when I click "place order now" link